Why I Am Pro Life

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So, let’s talk about life. I am pro-life because God is pro-life.  God is the creator, redeemer, sustainer, and savior of life.  God is so invested in life that not only did He create humans to be born, He also … Continued

Sudden Favor

posted in: Inspiration, Podcast | 0

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSIf you have ever had a fever, you know that fevers are basically a whole lot of waiting for that moment when the fever breaks. You may have hours or … Continued

Submission and Greatness

posted in: Inspiration | 0

In religious contexts, submission is often taught as if it had intrinsic value — as if humility and abasement were goals unto themselves. However, submission, like many other generic actions, has no intrinsic value — its entire value being derived … Continued

Indomitable Like a Lily

posted in: Inspiration | 0

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “indomitable” as “incapable of being subdued : unconquerable”. God is indomitable. “Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the … Continued

The Gift of Sexuality

posted in: Inspiration | 2

TIME magazine reported this week that 19% of women who attend college today will be sexually assaulted during their time at university.  That is almost 1 out of every 5.  As the father of 3 daughters, I don’t like those odds. … Continued

Extraordinary Measures

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Jesus is ready to take your life to new levels of joy, new levels of health, new levels of prosperity, new levels of peace, new levels of abundance, new levels of blessing, new levels of connectedness, new levels of success, … Continued