Jesus is ready to take your life to new levels of joy, new levels of health, new levels of prosperity, new levels of peace, new levels of abundance, new levels of blessing, new levels of connectedness, new levels of success, new levels of fulfillment, new levels of satisfaction, the list goes on.
Jesus is not a God of half way or almost there. Jesus is a God of extraordinary measures.
You may be looking at your life and saying, “No Way”. But God is looking at your life and saying, “I can”.
You may be thinking your health is beyond repair. But God is preparing you for a new season of healing and restoration.
You may be up against a hard economy or tough competition at your business. But God is bringing in new connections, new leads, new opportunities, and the team that will get it done with you.
You may have a challenge in your relationships. But God is opening your heart to listen, to understand, to connect, to see, and to take a new direction of strength, commitment, fulfillment, intimacy, and joy.
Whatever is facing you today, God is not waiting in the background hoping for you to figure it out. God is not expecting you to have the answer or put your life in order before you bring Him into it.
God is already working. God is already moving. God is already taking extraordinary measures to reach you, to bless you, to provide for you, and to show you His favor.
Jesus once told the story of a man who had a flock of one hundred sheep. Now, one of those sheep strayed into the wilderness. It made poor choices and was separated from the loving care and protection of the shepherd and was left behind, lost and alone. Now, when Jesus told this story He asked this question,
“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that didn’t wander away!” – Matthew 18 (NLT)
When you have made poor choices it can feel like God is asking a lot of you. It can look like you have a long way to go to get back into the light, back onto a good path, back into the favor of God. You may be thinking that you have a lot of work do, that you need to get your life in order, that you need to make things right, and then maybe someday you will be ready to go back to church and to get right with God.
But the fact is, God is looking for you right now. God is coming for you right now with all of His promises in hand, with all of His blessings in store, and with His super-abundant favor going before Him. He is chasing you down to shower you with the suddenness of His goodness and fill you with the overflowing outpouring of His prosperity, peace, and joy.
When you are stuck in sin it looks like repentance is all about you turning your own life around. But actually you turning your life around is not about you finding your own way, it’s about you saying “Yes” when God finds you.
Yes God, I am ready for your goodness.
Yes God, I am ready for your blessings.
Yes God, I am ready for your promises to be fulfilled in my life.
Yes God, I am ready for your divine health to restore my body and my soul.
Yes God, I am ready for your insights and your wisdom to put me on the right path.
Yes God, I am ready for your will to be accomplished, your super-abundant favor to be unleashed, and your infinite love to be released over and through my life.
Yes God, I am your child, born on purpose for a purpose, built with intention and design for greatness, filled with your spirit, renewed by your grace, empowered by your presence, and commissioned to make a difference in the life I am living today.
God is already taking extraordinary measures to make your life have meaning and a purpose. God is already going the extra mile to be good to you, to bless you, to turn things around, and to reach you with the salvation, the healing, the restoration, the abundance, and the plan that you need to accomplish great things right here, right now.
It’s time to say “Yes God, Let’s Do This Thing”.
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