Why I Am Pro Life
So, let’s talk about life. I am pro-life because God is pro-life. God is the creator, redeemer, sustainer, and savior of life. God is so invested in life that not only did He create humans to be born, He also … Continued
So, let’s talk about life. I am pro-life because God is pro-life. God is the creator, redeemer, sustainer, and savior of life. God is so invested in life that not only did He create humans to be born, He also … Continued
The most dangerous force in the world today is misinformation. Misinformation can cause civil unrest, riots, and other conflicts. Misinformation can lead to violence and even war. Misinformation can be manufactured by people or by “bots”, by artificial intelligence or … Continued
Moses spoke the Word of God to power and led his people out of slavery. Seven times in the book of Exodus in the Bible Moses goes to the king of Egypt, Pharaoh, and shares God’s command to free the people … Continued
Jesus was not a socialist. When confronted with more than 5000 hungry people Jesus didn’t propose that the state should feed them, He told his followers “You Feed Them” (Mark 6) and then personally manufactured the food himself and gave … Continued
You’ve probably heard the old saying that “Freedom isn’t free.” It’s most often used to remind us of the sacrifices of the men and women who fought and died to establish our nation and then defend it through the course … Continued
As a follower of Christ you have a responsibility to vote and to participate in government as a practice of your faith and an expression of your love. The United States was built to be a government of the people, … Continued
Isn’t it interesting that usually when people talk about absolute truth they speak in generalities? As if to be absolute a fact has to establish a stereotype and so act as a precursor to prejudice? In this worldview, the believer asserts … Continued