Sudden Favor

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Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSIf you have ever had a fever, you know that fevers are basically a whole lot of waiting for that moment when the fever breaks. You may have hours or … Continued

The Ignorance Dilemma

posted in: Inspiration | 1

The problem with ignorance is that often you don’t know you have it. There are the things you know about yourself.  There are the things that others know about you.  And there are some things that only God knows about … Continued

Life Isn’t Fair, It’s Better Than Fair

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One of the central foundations of Christianity that differentiates it from many other world religions is the fundamental belief that life is not fair. In Christianity, the universe is not conspiring to guarantee you the same outcome as everyone else, or … Continued

Indomitable Like a Lily

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The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “indomitable” as “incapable of being subdued : unconquerable”. God is indomitable. “Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the … Continued

Down, But Never Out

posted in: Inspiration | 1

Don’t be surprised when the enemy hits you when you are down. One of the key strategies of the enemy is to wait until you are weak, depressed, sad, grieving, angry, frustrated, hungry, oppressed, sick, in a bad mood, struggling, … Continued

Time To Prioritize Your Priorities

posted in: Inspiration | 1

Successful people prioritize well.  They order their lives and their decisions by the value and importance that each situation, each opportunity, each relationship, each connection, each conversation, each resource, and each moment of time offers. Success is, in large part, … Continued

Consider the Consequences

posted in: Inspiration | 1

The Bible says of Abraham that he, “…believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith” – Genesis 15. But was he?  Was Abraham righteous?  Did Abraham believe God? Let’s consider the evidence. God said, … Continued

The Power of a Positive Response

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No matter what the situation, God is calling you to respond with love, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and understanding. Jesus put it this way, “You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for … Continued

Pursue God’s Best For You

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There is a difference between what you believe is possible and what God knows you are capable of.  There is a dynamic tension between who you are and who you can be.  There is a stretch between your subjective view and … Continued

Unlock The Great Prayer Secret On Your Life

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Unlocking the great prayer secret will change your life.  God is looking to unlock super-natural favor, super-natural health, super-natural abundance, super-natural success, super-natural blessing on your life.  This is God’s purpose.  This is God’s plan.  This is God’s design.  This … Continued