Don’t let it get you down. Every time something negative has happened in my life I have told myself, “Don’t let it get you down.”
But what does this really mean?
You got passed over at work for a less qualified candidate. Don’t let it get you down.
You got told you have cancer. Don’t let it get you down.
Your car died on the way to the store and you don’t have the money to fix it. Don’t let it get you down.
The problem with “Don’t let it get you down” is that it sounds like a solution, but it isn’t one.
What are you believing for today? Where can you see God working in your life today? When will you get past waiting for God and start stepping out in faith to accomplish what God has envisioned for you?
God has more in your future than just surviving your current circumstances. God is ready to take you to new levels of health, fulfillment, peace, joy, satisfaction, success, prosperity, abundance, and more. What you can imagine is less than what God can provide. What you have experienced is less than what God can accomplish.
Life can seem like a series of tests, a progressive collection of challenges, or an ongoing struggle to achieve even the basic things that you envisioned for yourself. You may look around and see that most of the people you know are not in jobs they love, relationships that are completely fulfilling, or living with excitement and joy every day and think, “Well that’s just the way life is. Don’t let it get you down. Keep on keepin’ on and eventually something may change.”
God’s vision for your life is bigger than yours. What you can imagine is far less than what He can accomplish. If you can imagine stable employment, He can accomplish a promotion. If you can imagine romance, He can accomplish enduring love. If you can imagine repentance, He can accomplish restoration. If you can imagine surviving, He can accomplish super-natural health.
Whatever you are facing today, let your eyes open to a new level of opportunity and let your heart believe for more. If you can imagine your circumstances not getting you down, God can accomplish a victory.
Eternal life is not about just making it one day more forever, its about receiving the abundance that God has in store for you and discovering that every day can be better than the last. It’s not just your choices that bring about this improvement, it is the super-natural favor of your creator stepping in and opening the way to overcoming and living in victory every day.
You don’t have to earn it, deserve it, or accomplish it. God wants to bless you and shower you with the grace of His favor because He loves you. You didn’t choose Him, He chose you. He created you on purpose, for a purpose — to receive in ever increasing abundance all of the goodness that He has to offer. More than you can imagine is coming your way. More than you can imagine has already been promised and provisioned. More than you can imagine is chasing you down to overcome you right now.
Get ready for a tidal wave of God’s grace, a flood of God’s favor, and a complete immersion in the blessings that God has in store.
These challenges that you see standing in front of you today, these obstacles that seem so oppressively overwhelming, these circumstances that have surrounded you, all of it — none of them stand a chance against the rushing tide of God’s goodness that is headed your way.
So turn the tables on the enemy. It’s time to tell them to get out of the way because far from being defeated, you are about to achieve your greatest victory.
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