God does not want your unwilling obedience.
If you believe your religious adherence to certain behaviors, practices, rituals, or beliefs is saving, think again.
Salvation is a matter of your heart, your soul, your mind, your identity, your whole self being remade in the image and likeness of God — being born again to new life by the power and work of God’s Holy Spirit renewing you, restoring you, strengthening and building you up — casting a new vision, a new purpose, a new plan, and a new promise for your life.
Salvation is not a statement of belief or an adherence to a doctrine. It is not promoting a dogma or practicing a theology. Salvation is not about what church you attend or what tradition you follow.
Salvation is an actual experience of life, of God, of truth, of reality, of love, of purpose, of power, and of a promise.
God does not want your unwilling obedience because if you don’t want what God wants, if you don’t desire what God desires, if you don’t connect with and resonate with God’s heart than you are stopping short of God’s most foundational passion, which is your actual salvation.
It doesn’t matter if you are washing the dishes, cleaning the house, going to work, doing your homework, mowing the lawn, studying for a test, or washing the dog. If you don’t want to do it then you will not discover God’s presence, God’s purpose, and God’s salvation in that moment. It’s available, you just won’t receive it if you don’t want it.
However, if you can reach down inside to the very core of your being, to the very foundation of who you are and what you were created to be and find that touch of God, the presence and calling of God pulling you forward — if you can connect with the presence of God in the simple moments, the ordinary tasks, the drab and the mundane experiences of everyday life and choose to desire God’s presence, God’s power, God’s purpose, and God’s plan in every action, every activity, every expression, every aspect of the work, the relationships, the life, and the context you find yourself in every day. If you can let go of the need to want to be somewhere else, doing something else and instead embrace the opportunities that God is presenting you right here, right now – then you will discover that actual salvation is a lot closer than you may think.
All God requires to save you is that you desire it. Your heart, your will, your mind, your choice is free. You can decide to hold onto mediocrity, fear, doubt, indecision, apathy, sadness, anxiety, and all of the other negative influences that the enemy puts in your path every day. Or you can choose to embrace your destiny and fulfill God’s promise for you right here, right now.
So, stop waiting for someone else to take the wheel of your life and drive you into success, toward prosperity, or push you forward into abundance and blessing. Stop believing that goodness, health, and prosperity is just something that others have and others experience, or that blessing is something that you will experience someday, somewhere, just not today.
Right now is your time. Right here is your place. Right where you are is where God is ready to meet you, to bless you, to build you up and restore you, to save you and give you a new life today.
But it does require that you actually want it. God is such a good friend that He will not do something that you don’t want, even if it is something that He wants more than anything.
God isn’t just asking for your consent or your acceptance, God wants your desire, your passion, your commitment, and your dedication.
Salvation is for real. Salvation is available. Salvation is found in the simplest, the most ordinary, and the most mundane of moments all the way up to the greatest, the most revolutionary, and the most powerful experiences of your life. And that’s because God is there with you every moment of every day, every step along the way.
Nothing is too small for God. Nothing is too big for God. Nothing is outside of God’s jurisdiction. Nothing is beyond God’s reach.
The Apostle Paul captured it best when he told the believers in Phillipi, Macedonia,
“I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. ” – Phillipians 4
Salvation covers you with grace, with opportunity, with capability, and with power. Salvation forgives your sins, restores your losses, and opens the way to a new quality of life and a deeper appreciation of eternity.
It’s like Jesus explained to Nicodemus, one of the church leaders at the time,
“I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.’ ‘What do you mean?’ exclaimed Nicodemus. ‘How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?’ Jesus replied, ‘I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.'” – John 3
Salvation is being born again by the power of the Holy Spirit — renewed, remade, rejuvenated, restored. Built, not on the legacy of your genetics or the foundation of your history, but upon the living presence of your creator and savior. Formed, not by the mistakes, the missteps, the hurts, and the failures of past defeats, but by the power of the victory and the eternal life that only God can give.
It doesn’t matter what is facing you today — what you have broken, what you have lost, how you have strayed, or where you have been compromised — God has been planning to save you since before you were born.
God’s promise is sure and God’s promise is your salvation.
So, let go of your apathy, your indecision, your doubts, and your fears. Let go of your reticence, your reservations, and your objections and make the best choice you are ever going to make — decide that you want to be saved right here, right now.
“Yes Lord. I want what you have to offer. I want your life. I want your peace. I want your blessing. I want your favor. I want your abundance. I want your joy. I want your fulfillment. I want your accomplishment. I want your purpose. I want your plan. I want your promise. I want it all. Everything that is yours God. Give me your salvation. Give me eternal life with you. I’m yours. Save me.”
If you prayed that prayer, you were born again. Get in a good Bible-based church and keep God first place, because He is going to take you places beyond your biggest and best dreams.
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