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Every Sunday morning at 9:30AM you’ll find me at 6315 Sykesville Road in Eldersburg, MD setting up for the Creation Springs Church 10:30AM weekly service.
We put out a sign. We set up chairs. We hook up the sound system and put out the coffee and muffins. We put Bibles and bulletins on the chairs. We set up a kids corner. We do a sound check. And then, when everything is ready, we play top Christian hits at full volume until 10:30AM when people start to arrive for the main service.
We sing along. We dance. We praise. We raise our hands. We clap. We get ready to worship. We smile. We relax. We enjoy the Holy Spirit as is flows like a rising tide through the people gathered. We hear the Word of God. We pray. We share the good news. We pray some more.
The fact is, you can pray to God anywhere.
The fact is, you can experience the presence of God anywhere.
The fact is, you can study the Bible anywhere.
The fact is, you can repent of your sins anywhere.
The fact is, you can be saved anywhere.
So, why am I investing my time, my resources, my efforts, my relationships, my connections, and my creativity to be a part of or lead a church?
The fact is, a living church is nothing more than a collection of people who enjoy experiencing God’s goodness, reveling in God’s blessings, receiving God’s promises, and enjoying God’s favor together.
A living church is a cooperation, a collaboration, a relationship, a trust.
A living church is a purpose driven, spirit led, faith filled, reality based, grace empowered, action oriented, results delivering, salvation focused change agent in the lives of those who participate.
A living church is not a tradition, it’s a life — it’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.
The fact is, religion doesn’t save people — Jesus does.
And a living church is a place where people can come to connect with Jesus Christ, be introduced to Jesus Christ, be re-introduced to Jesus Christ, learn about Jesus Christ, establish or re-establish a relationship with Jesus Christ, deepen and explore a more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, and have the opportunity to invest their developing relationship with Jesus Christ into other people and so work together to make the world a better place.
So, why am I investing my time, my resources, my efforts, my relationships, my connections, and my creativity in leading a church?
I’m investing in Creation Springs Church because I believe the world will be a better place because of Creation Springs Church.
I’m investing in Creation Springs Church because I believe in our mission:
- To commit ourselves fully and without reserve to Jesus Christ as our God and Savior.
- To share the good news of salvation at every opportunity and so introduce people to Jesus Christ through the positive, encouraging, inspiring, and healing power of His life and message as it is revealed in the Bible.
- To connect and develop a living community of committed believers that is dedicated to receiving, living, sharing, and expanding the kingdom of God, right here, right now.
- To develop and support every aspect of individual believers as people to invest in and increase their ability to receive all of the blessings that God has in store for them, achieve all that God has planned, and realize all of God’s promises in their lives and the lives of those within their reach.
- To empower every human being with an awareness and experience of God’s grace and so offer them the opportunity to be born again by the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
- To reach the lost, the broken, the fallen, the discouraged, the hopeless, the flawed, the sinful, the sick, and the poor with the gospel of salvation.
- To enlist every believer to serve according to their callings, gifts, resources, and abilities to make the world into a better place because they were a part of it.
- To create believers who are excited to introduce others to Jesus Christ through the witness of their lives, their service, their relationships, and their belief and so repeat the process.
I’m investing in Creation Springs Church because i believe in our mission and I’m investing in Creation Springs Church because God commanded me to share the good news of salvation with as many people as possible and Creation Springs Church is my opportunity to do just that.
And, I’m investing in Creation Springs Church because God’s grace is sufficient, God’s will is perfect, God’s promises are sure, God’s blessings are abundant, and God’s life is eternal and I want to tell the world about it.
I encourage you to join me.
Join me in having an impact on our generation.
A living church, after all, is not a permanent institution. They come. They go. They rise. They fall. They succeed. They fail. They are right for a time and a place and then they are reinvented, reconfigured, and re-imagined with every generation.
Creation Springs Church is not an organization that will survive the ages and be spoken about centuries from now. Creation Springs Church is an opportunity for right here, right now — a relationship, a connection, and a purpose worth your time, your resources, your efforts, your relationships, your connections, and your creative dedication to making the world a better place — to bring the Kingdom of God, to bring the Kingdom of Heaven, to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our generation.
If you are imperfect, flawed, broken, lost, sinful, discouraged, damaged, sick, dysfunctional, indebted, poor, or in any other way less than you want to be, and you believe that there must be a better answer than what you’ve been told, what you’ve heard, or what you’ve experienced — then join me.
Give Creation Springs Church at least one year of your life and I promise you, your life is going to be changed because God is ready to invest His time, resources, effort, relationships, connections, and creativity into your life and Creation Springs Church can be where you make that connection that will forever change your destiny.
Join me and let’s change the world together.
Join me and let’s make a difference.
Join me and I promise you, you will never be the same again.
Every Sunday morning at 10:30AM in Eldersburg, MD I’m sharing the good news that God loves every human being created, that every human being created has the opportunity to embrace their destiny as a child of God with a future and a hope, and that every human being created can experience the goodness, the love, the peace, the joy, the fulfillment, the success, the abundance, the blessings, the favor, and the promises that God has declared over their lives if they will simply believe and accept what God is offering them.
Every Sunday morning I’m believing that God is going to give you a permanent and lasting life beyond your biggest and best dreams.
So join me.
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