What is your perfect day?
If you could do anything, what would it be?
If you had all of the resources you could possibly want, and all of the time in the world, how would you spend it?
What would you do? Where would you go? How would you spend your time and money? Who would you spend it with?
What is your perfect day?
Exploring your dreams for the future is a great way to uncover sometimes hidden truths about who you are right now and why you find yourself where you are today.
What is your sense of possibility? What is your vision of what you are capable of? What is your confidence in your ability to achieve more, reach further, extend your influence, empower the people around you, motivate change, inspire yourself and others, build relationships that will last, overcome challenges, lead from within, invest in the teams you are on, develop the organizations you are part of, improve the situations you find yourself in, and make a difference in your community and the world?
If you dream small and act small, your impact will remain small. But, if you can dream bigger and act in pursuit of your dreams, your impact will grow.
Consider again your perfect day. Are you working or playing? Are you alone or with others? Are you active or at rest? Are you empowering others or is it all about you? Are you making a difference in the world or are you retreating from the world? Are you investing or collecting? Whatever your perfect day is, consider what it says about who you are today, what you are facing today, and what you need to focus on to succeed.
My perfect day has changed as I have grown and developed as a believer. Who I want to be and what I want to be doing has evolved as I have come to understand what God is capable of. My sense of possibility and my willingness to step out in faith has increased exponentially as I have experienced more and more of what God has promised. But most of all, who I am has been shaped by the many key moments when I fully embraced the reality of where I was headed and chose a new and better path instead.
If you believe that having more time or more money would solve your problems or give you the kind of fulfillment or opportunities that you are looking for, that means your dreams are too small.
Your perfect day can be filled with joy, satisfaction, accomplishment, peace, love, fulfillment, intimacy, connection, relationship, community, success, health, beauty, strength, victory, and more.
More than a place. More than an activity. More than a lack of want.
God’s vision for you is more than time can offer or money can buy. God’s vision for you is rooted deeply in who you can be, what you can accomplish, and how you can make a lasting difference in the lives of people within your reach. God’s vision for you is the fulfillment of your purpose, your calling, your gifting, your identity, and your potential.
What you discover when you consider your perfect day is not just a dream or a fantasy, an imaginary intangible that is somehow supposed to inspire you. What you discover when you really consider your perfect day is a mirror for the challenges and the opportunities in the life you are living today.
What you discover when you face your dreams is an opportunity to embrace who you are trying to become and decide if you are choosing wisely and well the direction you are headed.
Maybe your perfect day is filled with abundant blessings, but when you consider it you realize that you do not believe any of them are actually possible.
Maybe your perfect day is simply a moment of quiet and reflection, highlighting the opportunity for a better balance in your daily life.
Maybe your perfect day is completely dedicated to your physical pleasure and material well being, bringing focus to the fact that you have been so focused on survival that somehow you let success fall out of the picture.
Whatever your perfect day, when you think about it, there is a statement about what you believe, who you are right now, and who you want to be waiting to be discovered within it.
The first step towards a better life is engaging the reality of who you are, what you want, and where you find yourself today and then making a choice to rise higher, see further, love deeper, and change the boundaries of who you are and what you are trying to be.
You have to embrace reality, if you want to change it.
And before you can change reality, you have to see the possibility of what reality can be.
That’s where your perfect day comes in.
So, rather than just imagining yourself on a tropical island with an umbrella drink in hand, a soft breeze caressing your bronzed skin as the ocean waves gently lap against the white sand and your wide ranging staff of servants cater to your every need — challenge yourself to think deeper about the emotions, the thoughts, the beliefs, the relationships, the activities, the accomplishments, the opportunities, and the identity of who you are on your perfect day. And then think about what this says about who you are and what you are pursuing becoming.
You may find some things that you like and want to invest more in. You may find some things that you don’t like and want to spend less time on.
You may discover things that are already a part of your life today, or things that you don’t even believe are possible for you right now.
You may uncover uncomfortable truths about what you believe, or you may see that you have greater opportunities for happiness and fulfillment if you simply change a few things about your every day approach to life.
Whatever you reveal to yourself by taking the perfect day challenge, know this, God loves you right here, right now — and God has a plan to bless you, elevate you, and provide for you no matter where you find yourself today.
Too self centered? God can bless you with grace.
Too materialistic? God can bless you with peace.
Too stubborn? God can bless you with acceptance.
Too short sighted? God can bless you with wisdom.
Too lost? God can bless you with purpose.
Too broken? God can bless you with renewal.
Too needy? God can bless you with joy.
Too awkward? God can bless you with influence.
The list goes on. There is nothing about you that worries God. There is nothing about you that God can’t work with. There is nothing about you that needs to stand between you and the blessings that God has spoken over your life.
So go ahead, take the perfect day challenge. Write it down if you want to. Reflect on it. Pray on it. Ask God about it. You will be surprised what you may discover. You may discover changes that you want to make in yourself, or you may discover that the dreams that you have told yourself were so important for so long are actually not in line with who you want to be at all and so it is your perfect day that changes as you think about it for real.
One way or the other, God has a plan to bless you abundantly and provide for you in increasing measure not just now, but for all of eternity. So, don’t let your dreams put limits on the great work that God wants to do in you, for you, and through you. When you align your dreams with God’s vision the possibilities really are endless and your potential really is eternal.
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