Living by grace. Free. Bold. Strong. Courageous.
Too many people today are struggling to survive and thrive simply because they believe they are not good enough, don’t measure up, and can’t make the cut. They believe that they are not worth God’s time, God’s love, or God’s blessings — and so they don’t even bother asking for God’s presence, attention, or favor.
Don’t let that be you.
Don’t believe the lies that the enemy is pushing at you. Lies like, “It’s just so presumptuous to ask God for that, who do you think you are?” or “Do you think you deserve a better life? What did you ever do to earn God’s blessings?”
Let’s get one thing straight. You don’t deserve God’s goodness. Neither do I. No one does. Grace is the beauty of God’s love for you. He loves you because of who you are and who he created you to be, not because of what you’ve done, but because of what you are capable of doing.
You were created unique, chosen, gifted, and empowered.
“But Steve, if you knew me better you would know that while I may have done a few nice things, I’m not really a good person in light of everything I’ve done and all that I’ve been through. I’m damaged goods with baggage piled high all around me. If God is going to love me for who I am, that’s a problem! I’m suffering like this because God must be judging me for all my sins. I’m at odds with God. I’ve made some serious mistakes and if I told you about them, I’m sure you would tell me I was going straight to hell. So, I might as well give up and just embrace who I am!”
Maybe you have lost sight of who you actually are. Maybe you are struggling to find your purpose or your place. Wherever you find yourself today, there is good news for you. Jesus Christ emblazoned this good news once and for all — “you, yes you, the one reading this right now, you are worth dying for. You are worth dying for because I love you.”
Jesus died to prove to all people for all time the depth of love he has engaged and made available in any life empowered by grace.
You are not defined by the condemnation or accusation of the mistakes you have made. You are not under the penalty of the oppressing power of sin or the blanket of guilt and shame that you might believe you need to cover yourself in to shelter yourself from God or protect yourself from the skeptical looks of others.
You are loved. Right here. Right now. And you are being blanketed in God’s grace from this moment forward.
Pray this prayer with me right now,
“Lord Jesus, you know me. You know everything I have done and everything that has happened to me. I am choosing today to accept that you love me. You love me. You love me so much that you died just for me. And because you love me, you are clothing me in your grace, you are empowering me to set down my baggage, step away from my past and become a new person in you. I am choosing today to let go of my sins, my guilt, my shame, and my defeat. I am choosing you Jesus. I am making you my Lord and Savior, right here, right now. I am saying yes to your love, your promises, your way, and your life. I know that the enemy only planned defeat, destruction, and death for me, but with you I am going to rise to victory, health, and eternal life. I am blessed. I am chosen. I am loved. I am ready to to make a positive difference where I am, right here, right now.”
Your sins are forgiven. Your mistakes are behind you. You can stand firm in the knowledge that God has a plan for you. That you are whole, healthy, and ready for great things. That God is looking to bless you, to restore you, to heal you, and to invest in you. And most of all, you can stand firm in the fact that God is for you, not against you.
So, let go of what came before. The hurt, the damage, the baggage, the harm. Whatever is in your past, God already knows all about it and He is ready to work with you to make you into a powerful witness of His love and His life. What the enemy meant for your harm can be the foundation of your greatest testimony and the heart of your most powerful experience of God’s grace.
Today is a new day. Embrace the love that God has for you and accept the blessings that He has in store. You are free. You are bold. You are strong. You are courageous. Living by grace will take you places have not even imagined, and will cause you to accomplish things you have not yet even dreamed were possible.
“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Luke 11 (NLT)
Jose Ramos
Great to see the new post! And what an important message for us all to hear. It is so easy to believe that each mistake we make disconnects us from the love of Christ. Thank you for the reminder that we are loved unconditionally and that regardless of our sins, He always wants us to return to Him. His arms are always open.
Steve Simons