Jesus came for you. You are one of His people. When He made the plan to be born on earth more than 2000 years ago, He was thinking of you. He knew you would need saving, and He wanted to give Himself the ability to reach you in a meaningful and lasting way. That’s why when the angel was explaining the birth of Jesus to Mary’s doubtful, soon-to-be husband, Joseph, he said,
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21
He will save His people from their sins. Do you believe He is capable of this? Is Jesus capable of saving you from your sins?
The very heart of faith is to believe that not only is Jesus capable of saving you from your sins, but that He is willing and ready to accomplish this for you now. No matter what the challenge. No matter what the history. No matter what the reason. Today is a new day because Jesus Christ is God and the wages of sin — the death, disease, suffering, anguish, anxiety, fear, doubt, destructive behaviors, self-loathing, hatred, anger, violence, and pain — stop today. Right here. Right now. Jesus is ready to save. It’s why He came. To save us from our sins.
Now, many people believe that evil is so ingrained in who we are as human beings that it can’t simply be laid aside for better things. Some fear that if they let go of the mistakes they have made, they may lose their identity, or their drive to succeed. Others are so blinded by the lies they have accepted about themselves, either lies that they told or lies that were told about them, that they are no longer looking for a better life. And some are so challenged by the physical presence of the enemy in their body in the form of disease, pain, and suffering that they no longer see the opportunity for healing, they no longer are believing for salvation. And it is at these times that Jesus comes to us like a baby — innocent, hopeful, full of joy and expectation, sure of the possibilities, and ready to see what it takes to accomplish His plan which is our salvation. He will not be discouraged. He will not be refused. He just looks at us with that peace of confidence, that calm of expectation, and that passionate intensity born of the excitement for what this day will bring. He looks at us with love and offers us His hand. Ready to help us up. Ready to work with us side by side — guiding, teaching, directing, showing. Stepping in for the hard parts to demonstrate how we can follow His example, and then stepping back to let us try for ourselves. We worship an awesome God. Patient and kind, always constructive, and passionately invested in our success. His purpose is clear. His vision is eternal. And He will not rest until He accomplishes His desire to bless us. Because that is what Christmas is all about. That is the goal of salvation. Our God is reaching out to us to share His abundance with those who don’t have as much as He does. He is using His strength to lift us, His wisdom to guide us, His love to support us, His touch to heal us, His wealth to provide for us, the list goes on. His plan is to use everything that He has and everything that He is, to provide for and bless everyone He can. And this is the message of Christmas — Jesus came for you. His blessings are ready for you. His salvation is planned for you. His birth in the manger was planned for you.
As you celebrate the holidays this year, consider what Christ’s purpose may be for you. Think about what blessings may be in store for you. Open your mind to the possibility of salvation from even your most challenging and personal sins. Let go of whatever is holding you back from your best life now, and step out in faith to embrace the abundant blessings of joy, peace, health, fulfillment and prosperity that Jesus has been planning for you since before He was born. This can be your Christmas to experience the miracle of salvation. You can be saved. No matter your history. No matter your heredity. No matter your situation, Jesus Christ was born for you. Jesus Christ came to earth with one thing in mind, and that was saving you. He is ready. He is able. All He is asking for is the opportunity to show you what He can do for you, how much better your life can be with Him as a key player. Will you take this moment to tell Him that you want a Christmas miracle? Will you speak up right now and tell Him that you want Him to be part of your life? Take the time. Share your heart with your savior. Open your life to your God. And He will take you places that you’ve never even believed possible. Give Him the chance and He will bless you, restore you, heal you, and provide for you. All you have to do is ask.
Clark Echols
Thanks, Steve. A welcome and powerful message to begin this Christmas day! I read that His need to save us because He loves us makes us rich! Ponder that! That is what I am asking Jesus Christ!