Jesus taught a declarative faith.
Belief is too often relegated to the boundaries of life where your doubt meets your credulity.
Jesus didn’t say “If you think this mountain may move it will.”
Jesus said,
“I assure you, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,’ and it will happen.” – Matthew 21 (NLT)
If you have faith and don’t doubt. If.
You may think of your faith as those things of which you are not sure, but which you hope to be true. This is not faith, this is hope.
Faith is composed of those things which you know to be true. Some of them you may know to be true from experience, others from insight, others from reflection, others from enlightenment, others from education, and so on. Your faith is simply the composite of the context in which you make decisions.
You may read the Bible, attend church, and desire a relationship with God, but still not have a working or living faith.
Faith is not something that can be imposed on you. You can’t use some one else’s faith except as an example to open up your own thinking about what is possible.
Faith is personal.
Faith is your individual relationship with God. It is what you have come to know of Him and what He has shared with you.
Faith is the clarity of your vision, the foundation of your memory, and the mechanism of your decision making.
You take action because of what you believe. You stand firm because of what you believe. You interpret the world around you by what you believe.
This is why the faith that Jesus taught was a declarative faith. He did not ask us, He commanded us. He did not suppose, He indicated. He did not doubt, He believed.
You may be facing a health issue today. You may be facing a challenge at your job. Your business may be struggling. Your marriage may be in need of help. Your child may be headed in a bad direction. Your relationships may be coming apart. Whatever you are facing today, rather than asking God to be with you through your struggle, it’s time to start declaring your faith in God.
Rather than praying for the strength to endure, declare your willingness to overcome. Don’t just ask to survive your problems, declare God’s ability to give you the victory.
If you feel overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, defeated, or lost you need to realize that those emotions are just the weapons of the enemy to stop you from declaring God’s blessings and receiving God’s abundant favor.
The challenge is being open to God’s answers and receiving direction from Him. You will be defined by what you declare.
So stop wishing for the solution and declaring the obstacle and start declaring the solution and observing the obstacle as you pass it by.
“I will not be defeated.”
“I am chosen.”
“I am gifted.”
“I am healthy.”
“I am well able.”
“No weapon formed against me will prosper.”
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
“I am a child of God. Born on purpose for a purpose. Built by design. Intended for a mission. Blessed with a promise. Provided for, empowered by, and carried through by God Himself.”
“I may be living in the natural, but God is working super-natural goodness in my life right now.”
“I may not see it yet, but I know it is coming.”
“I may not know how, but I don’t need to, because I know that God is moving heaven and earth to bless me and pour out His favor on my life more and more every day.”
Will you start declaring the goodness of God today? Will you declare His purpose over your life and His will and ability to heal, to restore, to recover, to provide, to bless, to enlighten, to direct, and to connect?
Today is the day. Now is the time. No more waiting. No more delay.
Declare the goodness of God and discover everything that He has in store.
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