My New Life - Chapter 1

365 Days of Blessing

posted in: Inspiration | 1

My New Life - Chapter 1Ever been in a place where you couldn’t find the bottom to bottom out or the top to climb out?  You were looking for an external driver to change and it just didn’t come?  No matter which direction you took you always seemed to come back to the same situation, the same challenge, the same conflict, the same problem, the same life that you had the day before?  What is the way out when every direction leads back to the place you started?

Vision, purpose, and a plan.

As you reflect on the year that has just passed and consider the year that is in front of you, do you have a vision of what God is offering to accomplish in your life?  Have you accepted that He has a purpose for your time, your resources, and your relationships?  Are you ready to make a plan together with God that will fit into His plans, His purposes, and His vision to bless you and to bless the world through you?

When God spoke to Abraham and cast a vision of the blessings that were coming his way, God said,

I will bless you richly. I will multiply your descendants into countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. They will conquer their enemies, and through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed.” – Genesis 22 (NLT)

God doesn’t stop short of amazing.  God has no small plans.  God has a bigger vision, a greater purpose, and a more complete plan for every situation you are finding yourself in today.

You may be asking God for something small, when God is casting a bolder vision of what is possible.

You may be seeking strength just to survive, when God is coming to accomplish a victory.

You may be looking for a way out, when God is ready to carry you over, through, and beyond.

Abraham was looking for a single son to carry on his name when God provided him descendants that would number into countless millions.

Whatever you think is possible, start considering what it looks like when God multiplies His blessings in you, for you, and through you.  Consider your career, your business, your health, your family, your relationships.  Take the limits off what you think God is capable of doing in your life and open every aspect of your life to God’s promises, God’s purposes, and God’s plan to prosper and to bless you.

You may be considering this coming year as just like the one that came before it.  52 weeks of surviving.  365 days of just getting by.  8,760 hours of enduring.  525,600 minutes of believing this is all that life has to offer.  But this is not what God has planned for your future.  This coming year is going to be more.  God has plans for you.  God is casting His vision over your life.  God is getting ready to open the floodgates of heaven and rain down a super-natural abundance of victory in your life.

This coming year isn’t going to be like last year, it is going to be better. 52 weeks of walking in the presence of God.  365 days of living life to the fullest.  8,760 hours of achieving, receiving, and accomplishing.  525,600 minutes of realizing that God is able not only to provide enough and plenty — God is able to provide in super-natural abundance, more than enough, and overflowing the bounds of your expectations — to fill your life and the lives of all you touch with the goodness of His prosperity and grace.

Get ready for more than you expect.  Prepare yourself to be surprised by God’s goodness this year.  Open yourself up to rejoice in the blessings that God has planned.  New breaks are coming your way.  New opportunities are opening up for you.  New relationships are seeking you out.  New connections are finding their way to you.

This year is going to be your best year yet.

It’s like the old Christmas carol says,

“No more shall sin and sorrow grow, or thorns infest the ground.  He comes to make His blessings flow to earth’s remotest bound.”

Your creator came to earth more than 2000 years ago so that you could have a new beginning right here, right now.  God has promised to bless you so that through you everyone you know will be blessed and more.

Your greatest life is still in front you.  Your best years are still to come.  Your destiny is waiting.  Now get out there and start expecting, start believing, and start living the 365 days of goodness that God has planned for you this year!


Follow Steve Simons:

Bible Believing Follower of Jesus Christ. Preacher. Conservative. Republican. NRA Member. Chevy Truck Guy. "God's Answers Are Always Simple. God's Answers Always Work." #GraceRevolutionGeneration #IAmNotAfraid

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  1. Kathy

    Yes, His blessings flow to earth’s remotest bound! Beautiful – every minute, every hour, every day!

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