Do It Because You Want To

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God does not want your unwilling obedience. If you believe your religious adherence to certain behaviors, practices, rituals, or beliefs is saving, think again. Salvation is a matter of your heart, your soul, your mind, your identity, your whole self … Continued

The Ownership Secret

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God owns everything and yet he chooses to invest it all in others because God designed and uses the ownership secret. Leadership requires understanding and leveraging the ownership secret. Success and fulfillment in work and in life is a result … Continued

Life Isn’t Fair, It’s Better Than Fair

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One of the central foundations of Christianity that differentiates it from many other world religions is the fundamental belief that life is not fair. In Christianity, the universe is not conspiring to guarantee you the same outcome as everyone else, or … Continued

Indomitable Like a Lily

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The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “indomitable” as “incapable of being subdued : unconquerable”. God is indomitable. “Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the … Continued

What “East” Were The Wise Men From?

posted in: Inspiration | 23

Are the details of the Bible’s account of Christ’s life important?  Was the historical reporting of the Bible accurate in relating the facts about Christ’s birth?  Can we believe the more miraculous and supernatural aspects of the virgin birth and the … Continued

Joshua The Divinely Authorized

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Was Jesus’ last name Christ?  Were His parents Joseph and Mary Christ? The answer to both of these questions is “no”. In the original Greek text of the Gospels, “Jesus Christ” or “Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς” literally means “Jesus the Anointed One”, or “Joshua … Continued

Coming Home

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Walking down the Jetway after a long week on the road, I step over the threshold into the cabin of the 737-300 with lightness returning to my step and anticipation waking up in the most basic parts of my heart … Continued

Jesus Was Not A Socialist

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Jesus was not a socialist. When confronted with more than 5000 hungry people Jesus didn’t propose that the state should feed them, He told his followers “You Feed Them” (Mark 6) and then personally manufactured the food himself and gave … Continued

Down, But Never Out

posted in: Inspiration | 1

Don’t be surprised when the enemy hits you when you are down. One of the key strategies of the enemy is to wait until you are weak, depressed, sad, grieving, angry, frustrated, hungry, oppressed, sick, in a bad mood, struggling, … Continued

One Voice Can Make a Difference

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One voice can make a difference. It is easy to look at circumstances, to evaluate your chances of success, and to question why you would risk failure or go against the odds.  It’s common to wait for someone else to … Continued

Following the Way, Understanding the Truth, Living the Life

posted in: Inspiration | 2

As Jesus neared the end of His life on earth, His disciples became more and more concerned that Jesus said He was going to leave them.  They had dropped so much to follow Him, and yet here they were coming to … Continued